Day 3: May 22, 2014
End of the Way

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The Wonderland Way crossed the Wabash River on a ferry. The ferry was replaced long ago by a toll bridge a few miles downstream. As I approached the bridge I saw a sign telling me it was illegal to cross without paying the toll, one that told me there was "No Stopping", and another listing rates. The toll for a car is 50 cents. So I got my quarters ready thinking there might be a basket or something I might be able to toss them into without quite stopping. Nothing. Subsequent on-line searches have turned up pages about establishing an account and installing a transponder but nothing about out-of-state once-in-a-lifetime users. Indiana wants me, Lord, I can't go back there.

I had sort of intended to seek out the site of the old ferry but forgot so I'm not quite sure when I rejoined the original Wonderland Way path. I do know it was a few miles before I passed the 1901 $59 jail in Maunie. That means the pictured road is Wonderland Way for sure.

I did not eat breakfast at Carmi's Radcliffe Inn where Lincoln slept but I did eat right next door at the Main Street Cafe. With no soda fountain in sight, I had to settle for more common fare. For anyone keeping score, yesterday's float was actually dessert for an egg casserole and fruit breakfast at the Kinter House Inn. That does not, however, mean I wouldn't (or haven't) start(ed) a day with just a root beer float.

After reaching the end of Wonderland Way in downtown Mount Vernon, Illinois, I headed west a few blocks on the Atlantic and Pacific Highway mainline to Stan the Tire Man and my first Uniroyal Gal sighting. Note that the linked to Roadside America story identifies only eleven remaining Uniroyal Gals compared to nearly 200 Muffler Men. Pretty tough for the big guys to get a date.

It was not yet noon which complicated the choice between meandering and spending another night on the road or heading directly home. I opted for home and did what might seem unthinkable. I closed the car, turned on the AC, and pulled onto the interstate. There were advantages to getting home Thursday night and I was kind of curious about how the little car would handle expressway driving. It did better than the driver who had to move onto two-lane a couple of times out of boredom. The Mazda did fine.

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