Willie and Beyond Locator map

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Day 1
Day of Show

Day 2
Lincoln to Dixie

Day 3
Moonburger Breakfast

Day 4
Edible Advertisement

October 22, 2019 (day 4)
I popped another entry off of my to-do list today and might have been able to count another if I could remember what it was.

October 21, 2019 (day 3)
I popped an entry off of my to-do list with a big 'burger at the Moonshine Store then looked over some other biggies in nearby towns.

October 20, 2019 (day 2)
I paused at the Ideal Section, moved on for breakfast at the crossroads, then finished the day with beer, beer, and beer.

October 19, 2019 (day 1)
It wasn't an exciting drive. It was all expressway, but the weather was great and three breweries and a concert were waiting at the other end.

Prelude - October 17, 2019
Cabin fever comes from being confined for an extended period as often happens in the winter. It's early fall, and I've been out and about on a fairly regular basis so it can't be cabin fever I'm feeling -- but it's similar. After running around for most of June, I spent July at home as planned with some vague ideas about travel in August. Those vague ideas turned into a real plan for a drive into Pennsylvania but other commitments caused that to be delayed multiple times until I decided that it would have to wait until spring.

Plans to attend a Willie Nile concert in Indiana were more firm and I anticipated a multi-day drive to the show with a fair amount of sightseeing along the way. Other commitments got in the way of that, too. I am going to that concert, however, and, even though I have to get there with some haste, I intend to lolly gag a bit on the other side. I'm overdue.

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