Finding Holland Locator map

Day 1
This ain't Blues

Day 2
A Wee Bit West

February 20, 2010
When I left Rising Sun, I drove west to Madison, Indiana, before turning around and heading home.

It was just about a month ago that I was surrounded by more than 700 top notch musicians at the International Blues Festival in Memphis. A week later, I saw as many of the twenty bands performing at Cincinnati's Winter Blues Festival as I could. The next day, I was in Columbus where a large number of excellent musicians gathered to help out blues legend Willie Pooch. Less than two weeks later I got to hear Patrick Sweany enthusiastically perform songs both old and new and Friday there was more enthusiasm and more old and new songs from Josh, Michael, and all their friends. In December, about three weeks before the IBC, I passed through Dallas and just missed hooking up with the man who wrote this:

And I don't wanna hear you talk about the good ole days
I don't wanna hear you say there's no good music anymore
'cause I know right now there's more good music than ever before
Truth, it all comes down to you (it all came down to you) like
You stopped changing
You stopped growing
You stopped listening
You stopped hearing
You settled down and out somewhere in an easy chair
and you gotta come alive
I don't wanna hear your jive
You gotta come alive or shut up!

Dirk Hamilton, A Stranger Song, 1995
I've been humming that a lot.

February 19, 2010
I found Lost in Holland in Indiana then spent the night in a 194 year old hotel.

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