To: Roy and Nevin

The Man Who Works on the Highway

The man who works on the highway
  So often is misunderstood,

It may not be your way or my way
  But he's always doing good.

Among the many worthy deeds,
  He keeps the highway free from weeds

So you can see as you pass by
  The growing fields of wheat and rye.

And when the winds of winter blow
  He keeps the highways free from snow.

He shovels to the left and to the right,
  And often he is out all night,

And when you get stuck in a drift
  He's there to give your car a lift.

Some people say that he's a shirk
  And that he doesn't like to work

But he works in sunshine and in rain
  And you never hear a roadman complain.

And another thing that I must mention,
  He's a very patriotic guy,

And always stands at attention
  whenever you pass by.

So take off your hat to the roadman,
  And cheer him on his way,

And greet him with a great big smile
  To brighten up his day.

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